Watershed Protection Resources
- USM's Muskie School of Public Service's New England Environmental Finance Center report: An Assessment of the Economics of Natural and Built Infrastructure for Water Resources in Maine by Charles Colgan, Ph.D., Damon Yakovleff, MCPD, and Samuel Merrill, Ph.D. May 2013
Key finding: "The Portland Water District’s supply, Sebago Lake, has some of the cleanest water in the United States, but it is threatened by development pressure, which, if unchecked, could foul the supply. Should the quality of the water supply fall below the Federally-mandated thresholds, the Portland Water District could lose its filtration avoidance waiver and would have to build a filtration plant—an extremely expensive proposition. Alternately, Portland Water District could argue to maintain its filtration waiver through investment in the permanent conservation of the Sebago Lake watershed." See full report.